Why VA Loans Are Personal To Me

For some people, VA loans are simply a nice financing program for Veterans.

For me, VA loans are personal.

No, I’m not a Veteran. But many in my family have served this great country including my father, his twin brother, & my grandfather.

That’s why the words "military" and "family" have always been synonymous for me.

Family History with Veterans Loans

The reason I’m so passionate about helping Veterans get into homes is not because of idealism. It’s because I watched my family have their hearts ripped out by an unscrupulous lender.

You know… the kind that gives the lending business a bad name.

I was around 7 years old.

My parents had been driving around looking at homes when, finally, my mother spotted THE ONE. She had found her dream home.

I admit I was fortunate to have parents that truly loved each other. My father wanted to be the one to make my mother’s dreams come true and he saw a perfect opportunity to do so in purchasing her dream home.

He made a call and set up a meeting with a local mortgage lender.

Too Good to Be True?

While the purchasing process seemed to be going smoothly, reality was about to set in. They had unknowingly chosen one of those loan officers that gives the entire profession a bad name.

He had made promises.

He manipulated facts.

His only interest was "making a sale".

Unfortunately, my parents were blissfully unaware of this and signed away thinking, "It’s simply meant to be!".

Then, their first mortgage bill arrived. You can guess what happened next.

Learning from Personal Tragedy

The mortgage loan they wound up getting was NOT the same one they thought they signed for. Their first bill was $200 higher than they thought!

$200 a month is a lot of money today. But back then? It was a small fortune.

My parents couldn’t afford the note and within a year, we had to move out of our "Dream" home.

My Mother was heartbroken.

Watching my family go through this changed me forever. When my aunt introduced me to the lending business as a young adult, I saw the perfect opportunity to do everything I could to make sure this kind of tragedy never happens to another Veteran household.

Veterans deserve our BEST efforts. Not to be duped by shady businesspeople.

And that’s why VA loans are such a personal topic for me.

* Specific loan program availability and requirements may vary. Please get in touch with your mortgage advisor for more information.